A pony was found in a pony killed in the Ternopil zoo

In the Ternopil zoo, a pony died of anthrax. The animal died on the night of September 27-28 on the territory of the aviary, today the infection with anthrax was confirmed by Kyiv veterinarians. Employees who came in the morning to feed the residents of the zoo, seeing a dead pony immediately reported the case to the Ternopil City Hospital of Veterinary Medicine.

“Specialists from the hospital and Ternopil Regional State Laboratory of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection. During the autopsy of the animal, signs of pneumonia, gastroenteritis and lymphadenitis were found, and the enlargement and rounding of the edges of the spleen caused the suspicion of anthrax “, reports State Food and Consumer Service of Ternopil region.

To confirm the case of anthrax infection, specialists took samples from animals. spleen, liver, heart and lymph nodes. This material was sent to the regional state laboratory of the State Food and Consumer Services. After the autopsy, the animal’s corpse was taken to a specially designated place and burned.

The burnt remains were buried, and the burial place and the transport by which the corpse was transported were disinfected “, reports State Food and Consumer Service of Ternopil region.

Previously, the Ternopil laboratory confirmed that the pony died of anthrax. The analyzes were sent to Kyiv. It was also confirmed on October 4 that the animal was suffering from a severe anthrax infectious disease.

A meeting of the state emergency anti-epizootic commission was held in the Ternopil City Hall. According to the decisions of the executive committee and this commission, quarantine was announced in the local zoo. All animals kept in aviaries were examined by veterinarians, their temperature was measured and they were urgently vaccinated against anthrax . Employees of the park management will supervise the animals that came in contact with the dead pony.

Ternopil Zoo is located in the park “Topilche” in the city center. Here live about 30 species of even-toed ungulates, including camels, ponies, sheep of various breeds, llamas, buffaloes, deer, fallow deer, roe deer, yaks. Also live birds: ostriches, wild geese, swans, peacocks, and others. In total, there are about a hundred animals in special units. Occupies a zoo over one and a half hectares of park area and is surrounded by three levels of the fence. Ordinary people do not have access to animals. They can be observed only at a distance.

However, last night, October 3, escaped from this zoo pair of buffaloes and ponies. The animals were walking around the city in the evening and obstructed the passage of vehicles on the main street of Ternopil. It is likely that these animals may have previously been in contact with an infected anthrax, a dead pony.


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