A public lottery for 137 taxis to work on the internal traffic lines in Fayoum


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Fayoum Governorate, represented by the General Administration of Mass Transport and Parking, announced the opening of the door to apply for taxi licenses to work on the internal lines of the governorate, through a public lottery, numbering 137. A taxi to work on the Fayoum lines and its internal centers to solve the crisis of overcrowding inside the parking lots, and to alleviate the suffering of the citizens. The lines are specified for Fayoum Center, 33 cars, 21 cars for Tamiya Center, 17 cars for Senouris Center, 25 cars for Ibshaway Center, 19 cars for Atsa Center and 26 cars for Youssef Al-Seddik Center

272792036_470996857725758_5230797034996900087_n272792036_470996857725758_5230797034996900087_n and announced the province Fayoum about the conditions required to enter the public lottery for 137 microbus to work within the internal governorate lines, with conditions that the applicant’s age shall not be less than 21 years and not less than fifty years on the first of February 2022, and that the applicant does not own a taxi permanently if he is one of his minor sons or his wife, The applicant should not work in the government, the public sector or the business sector, and the applicant should apply individually for one car, and there is no partnership, and the applicant should be born and reside in Fayoum.

The governorate presented, in its announcement, the documents required to enter the lottery, which are the receipt evidencing payment of the lottery fees in the amount of 500 pounds, an acknowledgment not to own a taxi at all, or one of the minor children or wife, a copy of the birth certificate, a copy of the national ID card, and a criminal status sheet submitted to the administration General Public Transport and Parking Lots in Fayoum, Brent insurance stating that the applicant does not work in the government, the public sector or the business sector, an acknowledgment of “completing the licensing procedures in the event of winning the lottery within a month from the date of the lottery, and an acknowledgment that the applicant does not have any indebtedness to any government agency, and an acknowledgment of non-compliance For or selling the car for a period of 3 years from the date of the lottery.

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