A young man quarrels in the parking lot of Maharaj Hospital, drives a pick-up truck into the wall on the 8th floor, seriously falling down.

Young people quarreling in the parking lot of Maharaj Hospital, driving a pickup truck into the wall on the 8th floor, seriously falling down

This evening (29 September 64) at 19.00, there was an accident where a pickup truck fell from the parking lot building, 8th floor, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. At the scene, a pickup truck was found. Brand Toyota, Vigo, Champion, Bronze, registration number P.S. 7736, Nakhon Ratchasima, demolished condition. Inside the car, the driver was seriously injured. The staff rushed to help bring him to the Maharaj Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital

preliminary From asking eyewitnesses, they knew that Before the accident, a man was seen arguing with a young woman in the hospital parking building. After a while, the two of them separated before the man went up and drove his car into the wall of the parking building on the 8th floor until the wall broke through, before the car crashed into the corridor on the 2nd floor in front of the parking building with a loud noise. thunderous The car was completely destroyed. and the driver was seriously injured. And the fragments of cement that the pickup truck fell into also fell to the first floor, injuring one person who was buying rice.

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