Abazovic: Behind every Djukanovic's story about patriotism, there are secret accounts

Montenegrin Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic said tonight that Montenegrin police are ready to investigate the alleged illegal activities of Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic and his son Blaz, and added that citizens should judge for themselves

Abazović congratulated the NGO Network for Affirmation of the Non-Governmental Sector (MANS) and international researchers on his Twitter account.

“If he cared about Montenegro’s reputation, he would resign immediately. There are secret accounts behind each of his stories about patriotism “, wrote Abazović.

The Prime Minister of Montenegro Zdravko Krivokapić also welcomed and supported the research work of Vanja Ćalović Marković and the non-governmental organization MANS in revealing secret offshore companies and trusts of Milo and Blaž Đukanović, and he called on the competent prosecutor’s offices to investigate all allegations of their illegal activities.

“I call on the competent prosecutor’s offices to do their job and investigate the allegations on the illegal activities of members of the Djukanovic family. “Every illegally acquired euro, to the detriment of Montenegrin citizens, must be returned to the state budget,” Krivokapic wrote on Twitter.

Representatives of MANS stated today at a press conference that Milo and Blažo Đukanović concluded secret agreements on the management of their property in 2012, hiding behind a complicated network of connected companies from Great Britain, Switzerland, the British Virgin Islands, Panama and Gibraltar.

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