About 2,500 interns are expected to resign today


      news News in the country


      The interns gathered outside the branch of the Ministry of Health in Tel Aviv, and announced the move as a protest against the outline announced by Ministers Horowitz and Barbibai, according to which from March 2022 shifts will be shortened from 26 to 18 hours and 6 shifts per month . Sources in the Ministry of Health said that they would consider requiring the court to issue restraining orders


      2,590 hospital interns submitted their resignation to the Ministry of Health today (Thursday), in protest of

      The new outline

      to shorten their shifts, which applies to only ten hospitals In the periphery, and which they claim has no real line in it. Sources in the Ministry of Health say that the ministry is considering applying to the Labor Court for restraining orders for interns, if they do carry out the threat and resign.

      “A sad and unbearable day, in which we are forced to submit letters of resignation,” said Dr. Ray Bitton, chairman of the prescription doctors’ organization, during the submission of letters of resignation at the Ministry of Health branch in Tel Aviv. In the letter that was submitted, the interns wrote: “We are the H.M.

      More in Walla! To the full article

      More on Walla!

      The Ministry of Health withdrew from the draft agreement to shorten the shifts for interns; Conflict between Horowitz and Barbibai In the background of the threat of a strike: the shifts of the interns will be shortened – First in the periphery

      Due to the growing demand for effective treatment of pain: B-Cure laser in a special operation

          In a press release issued by the organization, it is written: “Tomorrow, Thursday 7.10 at 14: Representatives of the “Registry” interns’ organization will arrive at the Ministry of Health in Tel Aviv to deliver the letter of resignation signed by 2,590 interns, experts, interns and students. ”

          Yesterday the government introduced the new outline for shortening the shifts of interns in hospitals. This, after nightly discussions held by Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz, Economy Minister Orna Barbibai and Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman.

          The new outline, starting from the end of March 2022 will begin a reduction in shift hours to 18 hours and six shifts per month. The agreement will only apply to hospitals in the periphery, while the Ministry of Finance opposes the application of the outline to the entire country because they claim there are one hundred unmanned standards in these places. This is in light of the fact that many interns prefer internships in hospitals in the center of the country.

          The outline will apply to all professions except surgery. Specialists in emergency and intensive care will begin another six months because of the corona crisis. The Ministry of Health demanded that there be no target for the start of the outline, the Ministry of Economy agreed but the agreement stipulates that every Sunday in October until 2026, then the outline must apply throughout the country, the Ministry of Health will be required to present progress to the Ministry of Economy. However, the interns are protesting the details of the agreement drawn up by the Ministry of Health, Economy and Finance, claiming that there is nothing in it. They demand that in addition to the ten hospitals in the periphery that will be included in the outline, they be joined by the boarding schools and centers for emergency medicine throughout the country. Thus, 30% of the interns will benefit from the new agreement and not just 10% who work in the periphery.

          A budget of NIS 30 million, because following the corona crisis, the boarding schools and the sorties received significant standard additions and their shift hours decreased.

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