About a goldfish

Kredit: Ben-Gurion University

Credit: Ben-Gurion University

Scientists at the Israeli Ben-Gurion University in the Negev have subjected a common aquarium to others a goldfish, a goldfish, whose English name literally means goldfish – a rather unusual research. Although they did not require her to fulfill three wishes, but to understand the relatively sophisticated task for the fish – to orient themselves in a larger land area in the wider vicinity of the mobile aquarium. Although we would not expect more complex cognitive abilities in crucian carp, it is said that every individual examined, motivated by a fish pellet for successfully reaching the goal, learned to navigate a special vehicle across the room to a color-coded goal within ten days. And not to be fooled if he finds himself in an area, such as in the middle of a room. And management? No fins on the mini-steering wheel as in the children’s animated film, but a camera system that monitors the movement of the fish in the water tank. The trajectory of a small electric car with wheels that can move forward, backward and sideways then corresponds to the direction in which the crucian is floating. In the end, better than words, the video suggests – in its second part, a visually distinct target – a pink stripe – can be seen on the left wall of the room. When the fish brings the cart to it, it will receive a reward.

A four-member team led by prof. Ronen Segev of the Faculty of Science Ben Gurion University posted results of behavioral experiments with goldfish in a professional journal Behavioral Brain Research . Experiments show that “the fish was able to translate their ability to represent space and navigation into a completely different – terrestrial environment, which supports the hypothesis that the former are universal, species-independent ”(quoted from the abstract).

But it is difficult to defend the presumption that this interpretation goes beyond the ability of crucian carp to perceive the space behind the glass of the mobile aquarium as a completely different reality. If only he doesn’t swim for the coveted reward at the color target he sees. And maybe not malicious note that there is no technical solution to the project novelty. The following is placed on YouTube for almost 8 years video. However, the fish apparently did not undergo training on it, its “ride” has a rather random trajectory, without a goal:

Source: Ben-Gurion University

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