Aca Lukas BESAN zbog Noleta! He started firing on Australians!

For days, Australians have been making hell out of the life of tennis number one, the world and ours Novak Djokovic.

Aca Lukas BESAN because of Nole!

We have seen everything against Nole in the media, and now Aca Lukas has addressed the public in an author’s text describing Australians as a people who have given themselves the right to judge Novak Djokovic.

) And what can be expected from someone and from people who came from evil fathers and even worse mothers. The worst English scum convicted of the worst deeds were all transferred to where they did not escape. Not to mention what everyone knows, they took away the land of the Aborigines and made them people who have worse treatment there today than kangaroos . Let them attack me after this, I had to get this out of me – said Aca Lukas, who spent a lot of time in the land of kangaroos, adding:

And I will argue everything, l agano! They returned Djokovic after the deliberate harassment, and they could have prevented him from getting on the plane to Australia because they knew exactly what he had from the documentation. But no: you Neanderthals and British scum, he deliberately wanted to live on the GREATEST ATHLETE IN THE WORLD, WHO IS THE ICON OF THIS TOURNAMENT, AND HOW THINGS STAND, NOBODY WILL NEVER WIN IT NINE TIMES THIS COUNTRY OF BARBARIANS AND RACISTS.


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