Actress Hilarie Burton on a deceased teammate: He saw a version of me that I didn’t

Actress Hilarie Burton, who became famous in the One Tree Hill series, has a lasting memory of her friend and teammate Willie Garson, who died a few days ago of pancreatic cancer. In an interview with journalist Jeremy Parsons, she spoke about the new series of which she is a part, and also touched on the death of a friend, whose words she had tattooed on her arm as a reminder.

Hilarie Burton met Garson while filming the White Collar series, in which she appeared shortly after the series One Tree Hill ended, whose environment was very toxic, according to Burton. The 39-year-old has very fond memories of the 57-year-old actor, and she also had his words tattooed on his forearm just before he died.

Hilarie Burton in Willie Garson PHOTO: Instagram

“Willie took me under his wing, had lunch with me and took me to dinner. He saw in me a person I wasn’t alone at the time, but I was working to become one. He knew how to pay homage to the most beautiful compliment in the world, and as soon as you started to feel ashamed of it, he said ‘slowly.’ It was his way of accepting praise at his own expense, as he knew how to soften it, which was a beautiful quality, “ said Burton. Following the news of his death, the actress shared several photos on the social network Instagram and also included a dedication that Garson wrote to her at the wedding gift. He presented her and her husband Jeffrey Dean Morgan with the first edition of the book Bunches of Anger , author John Steinbeck .

Enable social network cookies to view content from social networks. Enable cookies <span onlcontextualbanner=""> <i> “It’s hard to give a gift to a person I love very much, so I’m giving you the first edition, the first print, even though the cover is a reproduction of the original, the originals cost 13,000 euros. I love you, but vesta </i> – <i> slowly, “</i> Garson wrote in the dedication. Burton, on the other hand, added in a post on Instagram that his dedication includes Willie’s qualities, which she loved so much. <i> “Before I went to visit him, I had to do something that would show him how much he meant to me. I wanted Willie to know that I would carry this one of his ‘slowly’ with me always, “</i> she wrote. She also revealed that Garson had written a book before his death, which she promised to publish for his son Nathen. </span> <onl-article-connected><onl-article-embed><span onlcontextualbanner=""> <i> “It’s a love letter to the film industry, to telling stories and to the hundreds of people he’s worked with and made for the better. It’s for his family, especially his son. I have the honor of being able to read it,” </i> she said. Burton and Garson met in 2010 when they participated in the series <i> White Collar </i>. Garson portrayed a character named Mozzie, and Burton joined the series as Sarah Ellis. </span> <onl-article-image-normal><g><b>Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source <a href="" class="button purchase" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Click Here</a></b></g></onl-article-image-normal></onl-article-embed></onl-article-connected>
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