Admetrix has calculated audience volumes for some of the most popular media facades in Moscow

The data is available to all users of the ASAP web service and Oda-Plan software from August 10, 2021

From August to December 2021, subscribers of the ASAP web service and Oda-Plan software can use the usual set of mediametric data for free for:

  • comparison of audience volumes of 32 media facades;

  • calculation of coverage characteristics, the sum of OTS and GRP for groups of structures – address programs from media facades or from media facades in combination with other formats (3×6 boards, cityboards, supersites, city format);

  • comparison of planned mediametric indicators with actual ones;

  • comparison of mediametry for different schemes of cyclic broadcasting (300/30, 150/15, 50/5).

More detailed information and examples of calculations can be found in the slides link.

Alexander Vaskov, Head of OOH Buying Department Posterscope Russia:

“Packages of media facades with other formats, such as digital billboards and digital cityboards, have shown high efficiency according to the results of post-campaign measurements, and now we now have the opportunity to calculate the parameters of blended campaigns in AdMetrix products. We can add different formats to one campaign for calculation and evaluate general media metric indicators. I would also like to note that a campaign of 6 media facades with 10% airtime can be used to reach 50% of the Moscow audience. ”

Sergey Pankin, head of SberMarketing offline buying:

“We often use metropolitan media facades in advertising campaigns for our clients, so the emergence of regular industrial measurements by media can only be welcomed. The possibility of comparing media facades and calculating media indicators for campaigns using different types of media is especially relevant for us. Measurability helps solve many issues related to the inclusion of media facades in media plans for outreach campaigns in Moscow. ”

Ratings of all digital advertising surfaces, including media facades, are calculated by Admetrix based on traffic and pedestrian volumes (TomTom and Locomizer data) and speed data on various road sections (Quasar data).

In addition, seven view factors are taken into account for media facades:

  1. construction area (affects distance and field of view);

  2. obstructions to view;

  3. the presence of competing structures;

  4. distance from the axis of motion ( distance between flows and structure);

  5. angle of installation in relation to the flow;

  6. presence of traffic lights;

  7. the height of the structure above the road.

Thus, in the calculation of ratings, in addition to speed, volume of traffic and pedestrian flows, many features of each advertising structure are involved.

Natalya Valieva, CEO of the operator of media facades in Moscow Sunlight Outdoor:

“Media facades in Russia appeared eight years ago, starting from Moscow. The format has evolved slowly due to administrative restrictions, but a breakthrough has taken place over the past 3 years. On the one hand, new places have appeared, on the other hand, dozens of studies have been carried out showing the role of the format in the UN split, as well as measurements of the memorability of advertising on media facades in comparison with standard formats.

Adding media facades to the Admetrix dashboard is the finishing touch that enables full planning and forecasting of placement results in this format. It is also noteworthy that this event coincided with the deal between Admetrix and Mediascope, which suggests that the leader of the Russian media research market understands the importance of expanding the dimensions of the industry for the UN. ”

Fedor Lyakh, OMD OM GROUP:

“The service provides a useful toolkit for planning campaigns with all kinds of inventory, and adding media facades is a big step towards effective planning. It was interesting to study how mediametry changes depending on different broadcasting schemes. second video in a block of 300 seconds) gives an increase of + 50% compared to the 300_30 scheme (one 30-second video in a block of 300 seconds), while for different media facades the percentage of change differs depending on the viewing area, and for individual media facades this increase is up to 85%. ”

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