Adviser in the Ministry of Development, tried for a bribe of 80,000 euros and a luxury car, together with a businessman


Viorel Dinu, advisor at the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration – The Corps Control Service and a businessman have been sued in the “luxury” bribery case, the first for two offenses of trafficking in influence, the second for the purchase of influence, according to Friday’s announcement of DNA . Viorel Dinu was an adviser to the Control Service in the mandates of ministers Ion Ștefan and Costel Alexe, in the government of Ludovic Orban, and in the mandate of Minister Attila Cseke in the government of Florin Cîțu.

Prosecutors from the National Anticorruption Directorate – The Anti-Corruption Section ordered that the defendants be prosecuted:

DINU VIOREL , evaluation – examination advisor at the Ministry of Development , Public Works and Administration – Control Body Service, for two offenses of trafficking in influence;

Businessman , for the crime of buying influence.

In the indictment, the prosecutors essentially stated the following fact:

During September – October 2020, in the capacity mentioned, the defendant Dinu Viorel allegedly claimed, and in November 2020, he received a new luxury car from the co-accused businessman in question to be used by a relative. The car was bought on lease for 58,518.25 euros, and was subsequently registered with a company controlled by the businessman.
The suspect was allegedly received by the defendant Dinu Viorel because, through his position in ministry, to exercise the influence it suggested that it had on some mayors who had ongoing projects financed by PNDL programs, so that the works would be carried out by companies actually led by the businessman. In addition, the defendant Dinu Viorel allegedly exercised his influence over one of the mayors in order for the businessman to pay the advance and the leasing rates for the received car.
In a different context, in the month June 2021, the defendant
Dinu Viorel , in the capacity mentioned above, allegedly also he would later receive the amount of 50,000 lei, through an intermediary, from the same businessman, claiming that he has influence over some civil servants from the National Council for Solving Complaints (CNSC) and would have promised that he will determine them to admit an appeal filed by the company in which the businessman was the executive director, as a result of being excluded from a tender in which the company participated, an appeal which was admitted.

In this case, precautionary measures were ordered against some goods belonging to the defendant Dinu Viorel

The case was sent to the Bucharest Tribunal for a proposal to maintain the preventive and precautionary measures. in the DNA communiqué.

Viorel Dinu was remanded in custody on October 27, 2021, being charged by anti-corruption prosecutors that during 2020, he would have claimed and received, through an intermediary, from the administrator of a company, a luxury car, worth about 80,000 euros. The misuse mentioned above was allegedly received and received by the defendant in order not to find irregularities that would have led to sanctions, including the suspension of contracts that one of the companies managed by the businessman had concluded with two town halls in the country. These works contracts were financed by the National Local Development Program (PNDL). Subsequently, the accusations for trafficking in influence were extended, deeds committed in June 2021.

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