After a long wait, first Paris-Roubaix for cyclists

They had to wait a long time, but on Saturday the cyclists can finally ride Paris-Roubaix for the first time. The first women’s edition of the northern French cobblestone classic covers 116 kilometers from Denain to Roubaix. The last 85 kilometers are identical to those of Sunday’s men’s race. There are seventeen zones with cobblestones along the way.

The first Paris-Roubaix for women was planned to be held last year. However, due to the corona measures in northern France, that did not take place and the spring classic could not be held at the beginning of this year either. Six months later in the season than usual, it finally happens.

World champion time trial Ellen van Dijk, Annemiek van Vleuten, Chantal van den Broek-Blaak and Marianne Vos, who won silver in the road race last week at the World Championships, will be at the start in Denain at 1.45 pm. Anna van der Breggen is not driving along. She ended her career at the World Cup and is now for the first time as a sports director in the car at SD Worx. The finish is expected around 5 pm at the velodrome in Roubaix.

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