After a six-year break: Adele is back and looks a little different


The British singer has been secretly advertising for months a new album. Now the “Queen of Pop” is announcing her comeback. When her single will be released and what the number 30 has to do with it.

For a long time it was quiet about the British singer, now Adele is back. The 33-year-old announces her comeback with a black and white video on Instagram . Her new single “Easy On Me” should be released on October 15th.

In case you have already forgotten what the singer looks like. Here a Photoshop montage a current picture:

Okay, I guess you’re even more confused now. So here is a picture from earlier:

But back to music .

The magic number “30”

It has long been speculated what the number 30 is all about, which was projected onto striking structures such as the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Colosseum in Rome. Adele fans suspected that this could be an indication of a new album by the singer. Because: So far, all of the British singer’s albums have had a number as their title.

Now the new cover picture of the fifteen-time Grammy winner creates clarity. Your picture shows the number 30 in the same design as the one that was seen in the big cities and caused big question marks for some.

Adele’s first album “19” was released in 2008, followed by “21” in 2011 and most recently “25” in 2015. (cst)


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