After a visit to the Neuperlach shopping center: Munich residents are missing


  • Katarina Amtmann

    From Katarina Amtmann


A 54-year-old is missing in Munich. He disappeared after a visit to the Neuperlach shopping center. The police are asking for information.

Munich – Since Tuesday (October 5th), 1.45 p.m., Munich a 54-year-old missing. The man was last out and about with his relatives in the Neuperlach shopping center. According to the police, he left the parking lot there in an unknown direction.

54- Year-old missing in Munich – man has severe mental disability

The Munich police have been unsuccessful so far . The 54-year-old has a severe intellectual disability that also affects the body. As a result, he could not find his way home on his own, as the officials announced.

A 54-year-old is missing in Munich.

© Police Munich

54-year-old man from Munich missing: Police are looking for a description

  • 54 years old
  • 1.71 tall, about 80 kg heavy
  • short brown hair, beard (stubble)
  • squinted
  • enlarged extremities
  • khaki knee-length coat, black sweatpants, black shoes

54-year-old missing in Munich – police asks for information

The police asks for information: “Who made any perceptions that could be related to this missing?” Anyone who can provide relevant information should contact the Munich police headquarters on 089 / 2910-0 or any other police station. (came)

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