After Gaspard Ulliel's death: Official statement from Disney

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  • Nach Gaspard Ulliels Tod: Offizielles Statement von Disney
    Nach Gaspard Ulliels Tod: Offizielles Statement von DisneyGetty Images19. Jan 2022, 19:48 – Diane K.

    The death of Gaspard Ulliel

    causes sadness and shock . This afternoon it became known that the French actor had to be hospitalized after a skiing accident and a little later died. Allegedly he crashed into another skier in the mountains. For the Marvel series “Moon Knight” Gaspard last stood in front of the camera as the villain Midnight Man and will therefore also be seen in this role. Now the production company Disney commented on his death.

    “The tragic death of our friend and colleague Gaspard Ulliel puts us in deep sadness”, it says in a statement that at Variety has been published. The thoughts are with the relatives and friends of the deceased after the terrible incident. However, there is no further information about the background to the fatal accident.

    “Moon Knight” will GaspardZur Bildergalerie only make his debut in the Marvel Universe after his death. From March 30th should the series be available on the Disney+ streaming service. The 37-year-old starred alongside Oscar Isaac (42), Marvel-Star Gaspard UllielEmily VanCamp

    (35), Ethan Hawke (51) and May Calamawy.

    Marvel-Star Gaspard Ulliel

    Getty Images

    Marvel-Star Gaspard Ulliel

    Schauspieler Oscar Isaac

    Getty ImagesActor Gaspard Ulliel

    Schauspieler Oscar Isaac

    Getty Images

    Schauspieler Oscar Isaac

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