AFTER THE TRIUMPH OVER LUDOGOREC! Stanković shines with happiness and talks about his chickens in the superlative

We prepared in a great way, we read the game well and we believed in victory. Fortunately, everything turned out the way we wanted. All the guys from first to last on the field and those who came into the game were focused on what we were doing. When that is the case, then you do not get into trouble, but you are rewarded and you deserve to score a phenomenal goal and bring the game to an end. We risked receiving a goal from our mistake, but that does not diminish the work of all the guys, the sacrifice and the relationship they had tonight. They were good – Stankovic began.

After two matches played, the Red Star is first on the table of Group F with a maximum effect of six points.

This is the second big step for us, we made the first one in Belgrade against Braga, and we have four more difficult matches ahead of us. After the draw, I said that this is a group in which you can be both the first and the last, it is so uniform. Now we are thinking about resting, then we will have a match with Metalac, then a national team break, and Midtjylland, which lost to Braga 3: 1 tonight. Everything is open. This is a dream for us.

He also referred to the scorer of the only goal in the match – Gelor Kangu.

He gave a lot on the field, he played both tactically and personally just the way I wanted. I told him to annul everything that was in the previous period against Ludogorets and to score the winning goal. Congratulations to everyone, I can’t single anyone out, everyone played in their own way as I wanted. The reason why I took him out is that we got into trouble, the referee did not notice on several occasions that Kanga was fouled, he had a yellow card and if such a relationship exists on the field, then it is better to replace him. He played perfectly, the most important are three points.


Gelor Kanga celebrates winning goal

Stanković also spoke in more detail about tactics.

We had to be patient. The guys did a phenomenal interpretation, but the most important thing is that they believed in what we were preparing for the trainings. You saw that Sanogo played stopper, we weren’t sure how Ludogorets would turn out, we assumed, but this was my decision. It was perfect with five in defense, I am very satisfied and overjoyed because of that.

The red and whites came to Razgrad decimated, considering that they did not travel because of the coronavirus Borjan, Dragovic, Degenek and Katai.

At the pre-match conference, I said no crying and no alibis. I do not want to make a resignation to myself because there are no leaders of ours who I can hardly wait for them to return. We thought about what we have and how to use it in the best possible way. I trust everyone completely and that is why evenings like this are perfect now. If they didn’t feel trust, some screw would loosen and everything would fall apart.


Dejan Stankovic energetically leads the match against Ludogorets

Group F is very uniform.

The group can boil. Anything can happen, it is uniform. First we visit Midtjylland, then two games on our field when we could solve everything, but it will be difficult, even harder than tonight.

He only had words of praise for young Strahinja Eraković, who was given the honor to take the captain’s armband at the European match at the age of 20.

He is a child of the club and the first team player of the Red Star. The tape is a reward for his behavior, play and loyalty. I won’t even say that he is a child anymore, because I don’t see the difference between him and older stoppers. They are all standard, I don’t know who will need them at what moment. If he didn’t work and didn’t behave properly – he wouldn’t be at this level and he wouldn’t even play tonight.


Young captain Strahinja Eraković

The match had to be ended earlier by young Petar Stanić-

He got hit, her leg started to tingle and I had to take him out. But let’s move on.

Stanković characterized goalkeeper Zoran Popović, who made his debut for our team in European matches tonight, as safe.

Security. I don’t know what to say, he has a lot of experience and games like this are not a problem for him. He is a guy who fulfills all tasks and obligations without discussion.

In the end, he thanked the group of guys who cheered on the Serbian champion in Razgrad.

There were about twenty of them, but we felt like there were 50 thousand of them. You just feel that energy, you hear them getting louder with support as the match draws to a close. They came from Serbia and Republika Srpska and I thank them for that – concluded Stanković.

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