After upgrading to Windows 11, it is still Windows 10 taskbar?

On October 5, Microsoft officially launched the official version of its next-generation operating system, Windows 11. The biggest change from Windows 10 is the new unified UI, new Widgets and Compatibility with Android and other functions.

The new UI has redesigned the taskbar, using a centered design similar to Mac OS. It may take some time to get used to it. Of course, it is also convenient to change to the classic Windows 10 left. . But many people have “stitched” bugs between the old and new Windows after installing Windows 11. The taskbar in the center becomes like Windows 10 by default, and the start menu is completely damaged and unusable. There is no solution to this bug. You can only reinstall Windows 11 according to the steps. After the reinstallation, the problem can be solved and the problem still lies in the replacement of the ISO file.

Theoretically speaking, a new installation using ISO is the least prone to problems (unless there is a problem with the download). This time, not all devices of Windows 11 can pass the Windows 11 update request. For this, Microsoft has released a separate ISO image for anyone who wants to reinstall Windows 11, and provides the need to install Windows 11 on unsupported devices. Steps, although the company does insist that doing so increases the likelihood of errors.

Free upgrade to Windows 11 Three methods, attached to upgrade under the horse!!!

To be honest, the bugs in the first official version of Windows 11 are expected. Only if there are bugs, the update will be faster, and the subsequent system will be more complete. If you want to experience Windows 11, you can update directly in the Windows Update that comes with the system (meeting the update conditions), or your own update assistant. Of course, you can also make a CD/USB finger launcher. You can choose from a variety of ways.

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