Airlines refuse to fly “idiot” influencers home

© Photo by Reiseuhu on Unsplash

A party on board a charter plane resulted in some influencers are now stuck in Mexico.

In Canada is currently providing a Video cause a stir, that shows several young people on board an airplane disobeying any corona rules. The people – including some according to media reports Social Media Influencer

– are without a mask at dancing, drinking and smoking e-cigarettes

in the machine to see.

The aircraft is a Sunwing Airlines charter aircraft en route from Canada to the Mexican seaside resort Cancun


Prime Minister comments

The viral Video spread so widely that even Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

commented on this and described the behavior of the people as “idiotic”, like the Guardian reported. The airline also reacted and deleted the Return flight of the tour group


Then some of the revelers wanted to take a plane from the airline Air Transat

fly back to Canada, but the company refused them boarding with reference to the safety of the crew and other passengers. Also

Air Canada issued a statement not to allow the group to board any of their aircraft.

30 infected

One participant reported to the Canadian Press Agency that at least 30 people of the group in Mexico positive for the coronavirus

have been tested and had to go into isolation. According to her, the trip was part of an Instagram contest by the influencer James William Awad. He doesn’t want to be able to fully understand the excitement in a tweet:


Apart from being stuck in Mexico now, some of the fellow travelers may also face fines. The Canadian Transportation Authority Transport Canada said in a statement that fines of up to $5,000 could be imposed because Aviation regulations have been violated.

The organizer Awad is obviously not entirely happy with the whole situation. After several justifications on Twitter, on Saturday he posted the song “Pain”

of the rapper Senior.

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