Airthings View series expands with standalone pollution and radon monitors

Residential indoor air quality monitoring company Airthings has announced two new products in its “View” series, the View Radon and View Pollution. These two new models join the View Plus launched back in March 2021, offering consumers new ways to keep tabs on their home’s air quality levels, as well as monitoring for the invisible, scent-free gas known as radon.


Radon, a naturally occurring gas, is radioactive and can cause lung cancer in people who are exposed to it, the EPA explains. Homes in certain parts of the US are prone to higher levels of radon than others due to various conditions, including things like geology and whether the structure was built to resist the gas.

The newly announced Airthings View Radon is one of a number of radon sensors on the market; these devices monitor radon levels and alert the homeowner when the gas is detected. The View Radon is priced at $199 USD and is, the company claims, the most advanced radon monitoring device currently available to consumers.

Airthings says it will make the View Radon available for preorder “in the coming month,” but it hasn’t provided any other details at this time.

Airthings View Plus with phone


The View Pollution, meanwhile, is the company’s first sensor dedicated to monitoring a home’s particulate matter at levels between PM 1.0 and PM 2.5. According to Airthings, this particulate matter size range is the riskiest to human health. People who live in certain environments, including cities where there’s frequent vehicle traffic and places that experience regular wildfires, are particularly prone to lower air quality.

The View Pollution product is likewise priced at $199 USD with plans to launch it for preorder “in the coming months.”

All three Airthings products


These two products join the View Plus, which is a more expensive device designed to monitor for multiple potential health hazards, not just one, including carbon dioxide, radon, particulate matter, and similar. This model is priced at $299, but may ultimately be more affordable than multiple standalone sensors for those who need to monitor their overall air quality.

As mentioned, the View Plus was announced last year, though it has only been available for preorder at $299 USD until now. According to Airthings, View Plus started shipping to buyers this month.

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