Al-Ahly extends Al-Sulayya contract for two seasons

Al-Ahly Club announced the extension of the contract of Amr Al-Sulayya, the team’s midfielder, for a period of two seasons, other than the current season. Amir Tawfiq, Director of Marketing and Contracts at Al-Ahly Club, revealed through the official website that the contract has been extended for two seasons.

And Amir Tawfiq completed all aspects of administration and finance with the player who signed the new contract. Al-Sulayya scored 21 goals with Al-Ahly in addition to making 20 other goals.

Al-Sulayya joined Al-Ahly from the Emirati people in January 2016. Amr Al-Sulayya managed to score in three different finals of the African Champions League, and only Muhammad Abu Trika shares that number from Al-Ahly.

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