Al-Sadr addresses the Iraqi security forces before the elections

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The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, posted a tweet on his Twitter account, in which he addressed the Iraqi security forces before the elections.

Al-Sadr wrote: “Tomorrow is the special voting day for the brothers from our forces The heroic wish, who are the first lovers of change and reform, to restore their prestige and strength. And for the detainees in prisons and the displaced throughout Iraq because of terrorism, injustice and reckless policies who want to change their bitter reality and get out of corruption into the arena of reform, pride and safety. May God bless them all, asking the Almighty to guide them to reform and save Iraq.”

And the Iraqi “Shafaq News” agency confirmed that Al-Sadr identified four “Sadrya” names on the As she put it, to head the next Iraqi government, including Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, if the Sadrist bloc wins the highest percentage of the votes. A source close to the leader of the Sadrist movement told the agency: “The most likely candidates to win al-Sadr’s nomination to head the government are Iraq’s ambassador to Britain Jaafar al-Sadr, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Hassan al-Kaabi, and Sadrist leader Nassar al-Rubaie. , along with the current Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, who has the support of Al-Sadr. The Independent High Electoral Commission announced earlier, its readiness to hold elections in all governorates of Iraq, where special voting will be held next Friday, while it was set next Sunday for general voting.)

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