Alckmin meets with Paulinho da Força and shows that PSB is not his only option

The former governor of São Paulo Geraldo Alckmin, the most quoted name to assume the vice post on Lula’s ticket in the presidential elections this year, met on the morning of this Monday (10) in a bakery in the capital of São Paulo with federal deputy Paulinho da Força, national president of Solidarity, and the warning signs in the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) have already sounded.

After a long conversation, especially in relation to market reactions ) funding to Lula’s signals that he can revoke the Labor Reform carried out by Michel Temer in 2016 , Alckmin received a proposal direct and formal of Paulinho to join his party, where, according to the trade unionist and parliamentarian, the former toucan will not be “moeda exchange”, referring to the fact that the PSB wants him as Lula’s deputy to take him out of the sputa for Palácio dos Bandeirantes, opening the way for the candidacy of Márcio França.

The conversation between the two political leaders also served to send a clear message to the PSB: Alckmin awakens interests in various legends and it would be good for the French-controlled party in São Paulo to lower the volume of its demands to close the deal with the former governor. It is never too much to remember that the toucan until recently was probed very closely by the PSD of Gilberto Kassab, who seems to have given up, for now, from Alckmin’s affiliation after he made it clear that his priority is now a national project and not the state government.

At the end of the meeting, Alckmin asked Paulinho da Força to forward details of the points that could be reversed in the future in the Labor Reform, for a more technical reading About the subject. The possible vice president of the ticket with ex-President Lula has spoken to the press about his concern with the economic collapse of Brazil, which has led huge fractions of society to the condition of poverty and misery.

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