Alfredo Ramírez presents the Legal Cabinet that will accompany him from October 1 in Michoacán

Morelia, Michoacán .- Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla , governor-elect of Michoacán, presented this Thursday morning to the members of the Legal Cabinet that from October 1 will accompany him in the exercise of government.

“This is a plural team and parity, who will serve citizens with honesty, and will use his experience in the public function to ensure the well-being of the people “, he affirmed.

Carlos Torres Piña will be secretary of Government; Luis Navarro García, Secretary of Finance and Administration; General José Alfredo Ortega Reyes, Secretary of Public Security; Alfredo Anaya Orozco, Secretary of Economic Development, and Roberto Monroy García, Minister of Tourism.

In Rural Development and Agrifood will be Cuauhtémoc Ramírez Romero; José Zavala Nolasco as Secretary of Communications and Public Works; Gladyz Butanda Macías, head of the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Change and Territorial Development; Yarabí Ávila González in the Ministry of Education, and Gabriela Desireé Molina Aguilar in Culture.

Elías Ibarra Torres will be Secretary of Health; Sandra Carolina Rangel Gracida at the Secretariat for Social and Human Development; Brenda Fraga Gutiérrez in the Migrant Secretariat, and Tamara Sosa Alanís in Substantive Equality and Development of Women.

Read more: Xóchitl del Río protests as president of Penjamillo

“We have a great challenge ahead, practically a feat because the state’s situation is complex, but we will work with all the courage, ability, experience and honesty ”, reiterated Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, elected governor of Michoacán .

Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla says he is ready to govern Michoacán

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