Alibaba Cloud x KrASIA Global Startup Accelerator announces finalists for Indonesia Demo Day

The Alibaba Cloud x KrASIA Global Startup Accelerator brings together new technologists, venture capitalists, and other players across Asia to identify startups that are compatible with Alibaba’s ecosystem. The Indonesia Demo Day, which looks to highlight startups focused on the Indonesia market, is being warmly received by both local and regional startups. Representatives from Alibaba, Venturra Capital, and Indogen Capital evaluated the submissions to choose ten finalists operating in seven sectors.

These are the finalists for the Indonesia Demo Day to be held on October 7:

  • Tujju Media is one of the leading production houses in Indonesia. It works with multinational corporations and media companies to translate and localize films, television, and documentaries for new markets.
  • Alas is the first zero waste returnable packaging solution for F&B customers and merchants in Indonesia. The company provides a more sustainable option for F&B deliveries.
  • School of Parenting is a platform for parenting and child development in Indonesia. The company provides expert resources through established partnerships with psychologists, nutritionists, and doctors.
  • Sgara provides AI-driven farm advisory and marketplace solutions for shrimp farmers. The company offers financing, larvae procurement that utilizes computer vision, AI-based farm management, and connections to trusted buyers nationwide.
  • 112 Indonesia is an emergency service aggregator that connects citizens who are facing emergencies with the right resources, providing help in the fastest possible manner.
  • Baby Bee is an edutainment platform for children under six years old. It produces educational 2D and 3D animations, as well as interactive books for at-home education.
  • KreatifHub is a one-stop creative platform that connects consumers and businesses with freelancers within Indonesia’s creative industry, facilitating the exchange of creative services through their marketplace.
  • Koinpack is a returnable and reusable packaging system provider that implements a deposit and reward model. The company aims to transform the conventional linear business model of recycling into a circular business model, stopping the usage of single-use plastics at their source. Koinpack also provides solutions for affordable, reusable, and returnable packaging for FMCG companies.
  • Culture Academy Indonesia is an edtech platform positioned to improve the quality of MSME handicraft products in Indonesia while connecting producers with potential clients.
  • Allure AI operates a proprietary AI-based application that analyzes a skincare product’s compatibility with a user’s skin profile by processing a single selfie. Its technology generates a score for each user that can then be used as a guide for their skincare purchases.

The Alibaba Cloud x KrASIA Global Startup Accelerator is part of Alibaba Cloud’s Project AsiaForward initiative, which aims to bring digital transformation to enterprises in Asia and nurture fresh talent. Through this program, startups have the opportunity to join Alibaba’s global ecosystem and work with Fortune 500 companies. Startups can also develop connections with top VCs in Southeast Asia and China, as well as become the subject of coverage on KrASIA, 36Kr, and more.

The Indonesia Demo Day will be held on October 7, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (GMT +7).

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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