All of Musk's false promises: from a million driverless taxis to high-speed internet from space

The critique of the exaggerated promises of the richest man in the world also reaches a venture Starlink Satellite Internet ■ Musk has promised speeds of 300 megabits per second by the end of 2021 – in practice the speed has dropped to 87 megabits

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אילון מאסק Elon Musk BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI – AFP Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, has acquired a reputation as a groundbreaking entrepreneur in a variety of sectors – but his critics tend to point out that over time, a significant portion of his ambitious promises do not come true. For example, about two and a half years ago, the CEO of Tesla announced that by 2020 the company will hit about a million unmanned electric cars on US roads that will be used as taxis – something that did not happen in the end. “I feel very confident predicting that Tesla will have autonomous robo-ceremonies next year,” Musk said at an event for California investors in April 2019. At the same time, the New York Times reported this month that engineers in Tesla’s auto driver system project claimed car safety was compromised to please …

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