
All-rounders: Popular legumes: Why chickpeas are so versatile and healthy

Chickpeas are true all-rounders: They are incredibly healthy and make you strong – and also ensure a slim figure. We will show you the calories and nutrients it contains as well as the healthy effect and diverse preparation of the legume.

It is particularly well-known because of its oriental origin: the chickpea. Like beans, lentils and peas, it belongs to the legume family – but the chickpea is far ahead of them in terms of diversity.

Whether as a spread, in curries, processed into hummus or falafel or simply As a crunchy snack in between: Chickpeas are all-rounders – and they’re also healthy nutrient bombs.

You can find out what exactly they contain and what healthy benefits you can expect from the little balls when it comes to weight loss in this article.

What makes chickpeas so healthy?

  • Low-calorie weight loss aid: 100 grams of cooked chickpeas have only around 130 calories and 3 grams of fat, but 15 grams of complex carbohydrates and a whopping 7 grams of protein.
  • Ideal filler: Chickpeas have almost 7 grams of fiber, which not only support healthy digestion, but also keep you full for a long time.
  • Good for the blood: The high saponin content keeps blood sugar levels low and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. A study showed that a diet rich in legumes can help Lower LDL cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Iron and Calcium Garnets: Uncooked chickpeas contain 6mg of iron per 100g and 124mg of calcium – that’s about as much calcium as there is in milk. Chickpeas thus strengthen teeth and bones and support the transport of oxygen in the body.
  • Folic acid suppliers: Half a can of cooked chickpeas covers the daily folic acid requirement 50 percent. The B vitamin is essential for healthy cell division and growth processes.
  • Bodybuilders: The two essential amino acids lysine and threonine, which the needed by the body to build protein, support muscle growth after exercise.
  • support nerves and muscles: Zinc , phosphorus, potassium and magnesium are also found in legumes and support growth and blood formation, among other things and the interaction of nerves and muscles.

Are chickpeas good for weight loss?

The small legumes are ideal for losing weight. Especially when it comes to avoiding cravings. Thanks to the fiber they contain, chickpeas are an excellent source of satiety in dishes.

As a kind of “filler” in food, they promote the feeling of satiety. An important role in the prevention of obesity is attributed to a high fiber intake.

Fiber in combination with the protein it contains keeps blood sugar levels down and thus protects us from food cravings and cravings for sweets.

Chickpeas: nutritional values, calories and ingredients

Chickpeas provide the body with high-quality, plant-based protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates. On top of that, they are low in fat and score with only 130 calories per 100 grams of cooked chickpeas.

Vegetarians and vegans in particular can benefit from the miracle globules: In addition to protein, they are full of calcium, iron and vitamins.

All you need to know about chickpeas

The name of the chickpea is derived from the Latin word ‘cicer’, which originally meant pea meant. As early as 8,000 to 10,000 years ago, people in the Near East were growing chickpeas.

From there, the cultivated plant spread over Europe and arrived in Germany around the 1st century. Nowadays most chickpeas come from Turkey, from India and Pakistan.

In German supermarkets you will mainly find goods from the Mediterranean region. While chickpeas are not often on the menu in this country, they are a staple food in southern Europe, India, North Africa, the Near East and in all Arab countries because they are cheap and extremely nutritious.

Chickpeas: Preparation and kitchen tips

In Germany, chickpeas can be bought in supermarkets, health food stores and now also in drugstores. Dried chickpeas cost around 1.50 euros per pack of 500 grams – you can get a can of cooked chickpeas (270 grams) from just under 60 cents.

Dried chickpeas can be kept for many years if you keep them Store in a cool, dry place.

People who buy canned chickpeas that are already cooked should use them before the expiry date has passed. You should also make sure that the can is intact and has no dents.

This is why you should never eat chickpeas raw

Chickpeas are poisonous in their raw state, so it is important to soak and cook them properly. Dried chickpeas contain special proteins that can be dangerous for us.

The protein phasin can clump our red blood cells and cause serious metabolic damage in our body. These toxic substances are destroyed during the cooking process.

They must be soaked for at least 12 hours beforehand, as this allows the toxins to be released from the legumes even better.

In addition soaking destroys indigestible carbohydrates that otherwise cause uncomfortable bloating can cause. After the chickpeas have been soaked, the liquid should be discarded and not used for cooking.

Once the peas are soft, they still need to be boiled for about two hours. Only then can you consume them without hesitation. While this is more time-consuming than buying canned chickpeas that have already been cooked, it also tastes a lot better. Canned chickpeas are already cooked and no longer contain phasins, so they can be used directly.

So chickpeas can be processed

Chickpeas are not only all-rounders, but also very versatile: When preparing dishes with There are no limits to the imagination with chickpeas. In the Orient, the slightly nutty-tasting legumes are usually processed into fried falafel balls and hummus, in Spain they are eaten in stews as the main ingredient or as a side dish.

In Asia many curries are prepared with chickpeas. In Italy one enjoys they often as porridge and in Greece they are roasted as a delicious snack. Chickpeas are also an exciting alternative to wheat flour.

Suitable for:

chickpea minced meat pan with spinach: the delicious low-carb dish is so quick

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