Amazon brings echo display for the wall and a cheap thermostat

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The Echo Show 15 should be a smart control center for the whole family, with the thermostat you can compete with Nest.

Amazon presented a number of new devices as part of a presentation on Tuesday evening. This includes the largest smart display that the company has ever launched on the market: The Echo Show 15 . As the name suggests, the device has a screen diagonal of 15 inches and the resolution is 1080p. Unsurprisingly, everything revolves around Alexa on the software side, which is permanently integrated.

According to Amazon, the Echo Show 15 should be a hub for all residents and the whole family. There you can see upcoming dates , Memories, Shopping lists or similar. In order to have everything in view, there should be various widgets, and third parties can also deliver software via API.

The price of the Echo Show 15 should 249 euros .

© Amazon

Inexpensive thermostat

For the first time, the company is now competing with providers such as Nest and is bringing its own smart thermostat .

The functions correspond exactly to what is already known from comparable devices . You can regulate the temperature in your home using your smartphone – the thermostat can also automatically recognize when someone is at home and should therefore be heated.

The device was developed together with the company Honeywell . What is remarkable is the price at which it is supposed to be offered. The smart thermostat costs just under 60 US dollars , significantly less than the devices of the competition. Whether or when it will also be launched in Europe was initially unclear.

© Amazon

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