The latest processor architecture from AMD is Zen 3, which debuted in 2020. So far, Zen 3 has gone to Ryzen 5000 Vermeer desktop processors, EPYC 7003 Milan server chips and Cezanne Ryzen 5000G / 5000H / 5000U APU) for desktops and laptops. The only series of processors in which the Zen 3 architecture has not yet made its debut are the HEDT Ryzen Threadripper chips. We know that the manufacturer is working on both consumer versions as well as systems with the note PRO, intended, among others, for workstations. So far, we thought that the new HEDT processors from AMD will debut later this year. However, new clues point to a delay of several months.
According to the latest reports, the premiere of AMD Ryzen Threadripper 5000 series processors has been moved to the beginning of 2022.
AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5995WX tested on PugetBench. A lot ahead of Threadripper PRO 3995W
AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5995WX tested on PugetBench. A lot ahead of Threadripper PRO 3995W
Information has appeared on the network that AMD intends to quietly delay the premiere of Ryzen Threadripper 5000 processors from the Chagall family. both about consumer units and those with the note PRO in their names. The premiere is to take place in 2022, most likely during CES 2022 in Las Vegas, so it would be a good opportunity for AMD to show the next-generation APU with RDNA graphics chips at the same time. 2 as well as high-performance HEDT Chagall processors, based on the Zen 3 architecture and with up to 64 cores. According to the information so far, the debut of the new HEDT processors from AMD was planned for November this year.
AMD Ryzen Threadripper 5000 processors will receive 64, 32 and 24 cores. They will be compatible with TRX40 and WRX80 motherboards
The following processors can be mentioned among consumer systems: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 5960X (24C / 48T), Ryzen Threadripper 5970X (32C / 64T), and Ryzen Threadripper 5990X (64C / 128T). In the PRO segment, there are Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5945WX (12C / 24T), Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5955WX (16C / 32T), Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5965WX (24C / 48T), Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5975WX (32C / 64T) and Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5995WX (64C / 128T). PRO versions will offer 128 PCIe 4.0 lanes and an 8-channel DDR4 memory controller, while consumer versions will offer 64 PCIe 4.0 lanes and a 4-channel DDR4 3200 MHz controller.
Chagall seems to be delayed again, probably next year.
– Greymon55 (@ greymon55) October 1, 2021
Source: VideoCardz, Twitter @ Greymon55
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