Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project on June 17, 2023

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, WA on June 17, 2023

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.
Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project on June 17, 2023

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.

Amelia Day performed at the Vera Project in Seattle, Washington. Photo credit Kirk Stauffer.


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