An exceptional rate of failures in the Bar Association examination. And which university is actually leading?

The percentage of those who fail the Bar Association’s certification exam in the winter of 2021 increased to 60%, after the previous dates stood at 49% and 47% • 64% of the examinees passed the exam successfully • Among universities, the percentage of passing is 84%, and among the colleges – for 24% only passing

בחינות ההסמכה של לשכת עורכי הדין. 60% נכשלו / צילום: אלון רון

Certification Exams of the Bar Association. 60% failed / Photo: Alon Ron

2,174 interns took the Bar Examinations held on December 28, 2021. 60% of the examinees failed the exam, after at previous dates the failure rate was 49% and 47%. 64% of the examinees who took the first time successfully passed the test.

84% (526 out of 624 examinees) of the university graduates passed the exam. This is a decrease from a year ago, when the rate of embryos from universities was 92%. Of the college graduates who took the exam, which numbered 1,378, only 24% (327) passed successfully. In the exam a year ago, the number of passers-by from the colleges was 49%.

For the full exam results

The Hebrew University is a leader from the universities and the College of Management from the colleges

The leading university is the university Hebrew with a conversion rate of 95% (131); Followed by Tel Aviv University with 87% (94); In third place is Bar-Ilan University with 82% passing (88); Next to it in fourth place is Reichman University (IDC) with 81% (254); And in fifth place is the University of Haifa with 74% (57).

The College of Management is one of the colleges with 51% passing the examinees; In second place is Sapphire College with 45%; And in third place is Safed Academic College with 38% pass; Only 19% (622 examinees) of the Kiryat Ono Academic Campus passed the exam; Shaarei Mishpat College with 21% (154 examinees); And Netanya College with 29% (185 examinees).

35% of the examinees who specialized in the private market passed the exam

In the division between places of specialization, the military prosecutor’s office leads with 70% (56) examinees, the state prosecutor’s office and its districts with 69% (190) examinees who passed successfully, while a rate The examinees who passed successfully and specialized in private offices stands at 35% which includes 1,616 examinees.

8% of those who took the third time passed the exam

Out of 1,174 examinees, 1,177 took the exam for the first time, 345 took the second time, and 652 took the third time. The results show that those who took the second or third time had a very low chance of passing the exam – 20% of those who took the second time passed, and only 8% of those who took the third time passed.

Head of the Bar Association, Adv. D. Avi Chimi, stated: “I welcome the newcomers to the family of lawyers in Israel and wish them success in their new path. Examination success data illustrate that it is passable, and in very high percentages. For those who invest and have the willpower in their hearts – the sky is the limit. And to the disappointed I would like to say – do not say desperate. Many of our sons passed the exam for the second and third time. Try again and succeed. “

אבי חימי, ראש לשכת עוה

אבי חימי, ראש לשכת עוה””ד / צילום: יח””צ

אבי חימי, ראש לשכת עוה

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