Ana de Armas fans sue studio for actress being cut from the movie Yesterday

Fãs de Ana de Armas processam estúdio por atriz ter sido cortada do filme Yesterday

According to Variety , two fans of the actress Ana de Armas are suing Universal because the actress was cut from the movie Yesterday (2019).

According to the website, Conor Woulfe and Peter Michael Rosza felt cheated by the actress being in the trailer for the movie, but not making it into the final cut. They each paid $3.99 to rent the production on Amazon Prime Video and claim the studio has made a “false advertising”. According to the lawsuit:

“Consumers were promised a film with Ana de Armas for the trailer for Yesterday, but did not receive a movie featuring the actress and did not receive any compensation for the rental or purchase.”

Both ask US$ 5 million from Universal, on behalf of the affected consumers.

Ana de Armas recorded a participation in Yesterday in the role of Roxane, a love interest introduced to protagonist Malik (Himesh Patel) during the show of ( James Corden. Check out the cut excerpt from the movie below:

Yesterday tells the story of a young man who wakes up in a parallel timeline, where no one remembers the Beatles besides him.

In Brazil, the film is in the catalog of Netflix, )Apple TV+

and can also be viewed by digital rental.

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