Andressa Urach and family (Reproduction )
After a troubled separation in recent days, the former Universal Anddressa Urach decided to renew her marriage with businessman Thiago Lopes.
“For the sake of Leon we decided to fight for our family,” said Urach, who is pregnant, in an Instagram post.
The model had announced that she was separating on September 24th. Soon after, a series of events placed her name among the most talked about subjects on the internet.
Andressa accused Thiago of betrayal and abusive relationship, in addition to revealing that he was the one who asked for a divorce. After that, she announced that she was going back to doing a show.
The ad shocked Brazil, since the model had abandoned her old life and converted to the Universal Church a few years ago .
A brothel in Porto Alegre even announced the return of Andressa Urach in her casting, and also the value of her fee, last Wednesday (09/29). However, Thiago went to the scene with the police and took Urach out of there by force.
This Sunday (03), after the reconciliation, the model shared a photo with her family. In a click next to Thiago, son Arthur and daughter-in-law Brenda, Andressa said that “love always wins through forgiveness”, and asked: “Which family doesn’t fight?”
“The past is a place of reference and not of permanence! Life is made up of choices, we made mistakes, we got it right, but the important thing is to continue living in the best possible way and with the people we love! Do we fight? Yes. Which family doesn’t fight? Which marriage doesn’t go through crises? But love always wins through forgiveness. Thank you love for fighting for our family @tnlopes10, I love you. With my beautiful son @arthururachoficial and @oh.jordan.9 my beloved daughter-in-law”, wrote Andressa.
Then, Thiago wrote a message using the model’s stories, announcing that he blocked the people who encouraged her “to follow the worst path”.
“All the people who encouraged the Andressa to follow the worst path are already properly blocked”, he wrote in her stories.