Android Auto comes to Tesla cars thanks to an ingenious application

Although the Tesla does not include Android Auto among its benefits, there is now a way to integrate the Google system in Elon Musk’s electric vehicles: the TeslAA application makes it possible . Without excessive complications and through the web browser of Tesla cars .

Tesla electric cars have their own system operating on the big screen offered to the driver and without including support for options such as Android Auto . For the majority of Tesla users their system is enough and more than enough to control multimedia content and navigation , but there are also those who would like to have said Android Auto in the vehicle. It is possible, the TeslAA application arrives to fill that gap.

Screen projection through the Tesla web browser

Android Auto Tesla

Android Auto on the screen of a Tesla. Electrek Image

The Tesla screen has been surprising for a long time since it not only allows you to view all centrally controlled vehicle controls, Tesla has enabled its system to run up to games . With this versatility it is not surprising that Android Auto can also be started. Although yes, the Tesla web browser needs to act as a bridge .

Cómo ver vídeos del móvil en Android Auto con Local Video Player

TeslAA is an app from the creator of AAWireless , The makers of a device that enables Android Auto Wireless in cars that do not offer this feature. TeslAA allows the Android Auto of the phone to be projected on the Tesla screen by loading the image through the web browser.

The process seems to be simple, at least according to what the developer proposes (we don’t have a Tesla to test it). Once the application is installed on the Android mobile that will project the Auto screen , the mobile must be connected to the Tesla via Bluetooth ; at the same time that the car is linked to the phone using WiFi tethering. The web page should load “ “in the vehicle’s browser and through there Android Auto will appear.

The application is still in beta and still needs to be polished ( the website that Android Auto projects is not even secure ). It is paid (4.99 euros) and enables all the Android Auto options in the Tesla. Google Maps, Waze , Apple Music … And it won’t get lost at any time the management and navigation system of the Tesla.

TeslAA - Android Auto over Tesla Browser

TeslAA – Android Auto over Tesla Browser

Vía | Electrek

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