Angry Birds Friends is collaborating with the World Health Organization for World Mental Health Day

Rovio has just announced that everyone’s favourite game Angry Birds Friends is teaming up with the World Health Organization for World Mental Health Day on October 10th. The pandemic has been hard on everyone and has had a severe impact on everyone’s mental health. Still seen as a stigma in multiple places, there is an absolute urgency to raise awareness for mental health. This year’s slogan and hashtag is “Mental health care for all: let’s make it a reality” and #WorldMentalHealthDay.

To increase awareness about the importance of maintaining mental health, Angry Birds Friends will feature a new Self-Care Tournament set in the cosiest and relaxing season – Autumn! On October 10th players will find a tournament with 24 levels that players can just relax and play. No grinding, no being a tryhard, and no competition. You just gotta lie down in a cosy corner of your house and slingshot some angry birds.


With over a million players actively playing Angry Birds Friends every month, the Self-Care Tournament is surely going to raise a lot of awareness about mental health issues around the world. In addition to this casual content, players will find a bunch of tips to help maintain their mental health in their in-game inboxes. The WHO will also be providing everyone with some easy-to-read material about self-care and caring for others.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed reality as we know it with everyone’s mental health taking a strong hit. This makes it even more crucial to support such issues and recognise them so that people can be helped. It is important to make our own lives better while also helping others out. Rovio’s quick and easy solution to this is blowing off some steam in the lovely autumn weather, where birds pop pigs.

So, until October 10th, play the Self-Care Tournament on Angry Birds Friends available on the App Store and Google Play.

Check out the top arcade games to play on mobile!

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