Anies: In Jakarta, Small Things Become Big, Even Just Got Away Can Be Crowded, Jakarta Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan admits that he is reluctant to respond to criticism or praise of himself that is often scattered on social media. Anies has the principle, if you get praise, you don’t fly, you get insults, you don’t fall.

“Therefore, don’t worry, just relax when it comes to social media, that’s why the principle is from used to be praised for not flying, being scolded for not falling,” said Anies quoted through the PAN TV YouTube channel, Wednesday (6/10/2021) .

According to Anies, there is no need to worry about discussions on social media when he falls into a sewer. The incident was a small thing, even according to him it was trivial, but it became a massive discussion on social media. Anies

plunged into the gutter based on the tropic trending on social media.

“On Jakarta is a big thing, it can’t be seen, small things can get big, just sink, so it’s not important, it’s crowded,” he concluded.

To find out the truth of the information circulating, please WhatsApp to the number 0811 9787 670 just by typing the desired keyword.

The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, invited DPRD members to continue the interpellation process regarding the Formula E event. -19 against the citizens of the capital city.

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