Animal protection NGO promotes charity bazaar to raise funds

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The Solidarity Bazaar of the NGO Amor de Quatro will be held next Saturday 09, between 8 am and 1 pm Paws. The purpose of the initiative is to raise funds to fund the actions of the entity, which collects, treats and sends for donation farm animals in a situation of abandonment by the city.

The NGO has an extensive history of services provided to the community of Vilhena in the defense and protection of these animals, and its actions also contribute to maintaining the health and safety of the people of Vilhena, which is why its initiatives deserve total support. The pieces will be sold at popular prices, starting from one real.

The Solidarity Bazaar will be held at Stúdio J&E, at Rua 737, number 1.649, in Bairro Cristo Rei. For more information, call 69 99981 7748.

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