Animal protection receives one and a half billion forints in state support


Government decision signed by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in the Hungarian Gazette on Tuesday appeared in the evening. Under the decision they receive financial assistance

      Civilian animal welfare organizations,

    • of the ebrenous settlements
      • and municipalities of small settlements with 5,000 inhabitants or less,

      • also place great emphasis on animal welfare awareness and education.

      THE An amount of HUF 500 million has been announced for the objective tender system support of civil animal protection organizations, for which the Ministry of Agriculture is responsible. Organizations will be able to use it for neutering, space expansion and operating costs.

      The decision re-lists the highly successful

      The Hungarian Village Program’s tender for the promotion of responsible animal husbandry with a budget of HUF 250 million,

      for which the municipalities of the settlements with a population of 5,000 and less can apply for the neutering of the population, vaccination against rabies and microchipping. The Minister leading the Prime Minister’s Office is responsible for the implementation of the Hungarian Village Program application.

      It will also be possible to apply for support through an application system for the modernization of ebredry settlements with the assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture, for the expansion of its capacity, for which a budget of HUF 450 million was allocated. Thanks to the objective tendering system, the use of the grant amounts is accountable

      With the participation of the University of Veterinary Medicine

      The government allocates HUF 250 million support for the development of animal welfare attitudes and education,

      and to inform the population, the Ministry of Agriculture is also responsible for its implementation. The government will continue to support the work of non-governmental animal welfare organizations with feed in the amount of HUF 50 million in 2022.

      The action plan will be prepared by 31 January 2022. with the assistance of Péter Ovádi, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy, with the assistance of the Ministerial Commissioner for the Renewal and Implementation of the National Animal Welfare Program.

      Cover Image Source: Getty Images

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