Anime Blade Runner: Black Lotus gets new trailer and release date on Crunchyroll

The Crunchyroll and the Adult Swim revealed news about the anime Blade Runner: Black Lotus this Thursday (7).

The companies have announced that the anime derived from the classic movie by Ridley Scott will hit the platform on November 14th. The first two episodes will be available on streaming at 1am GMT. To celebrate the news, Blade Runner: Black Lotus has won a brand new trailer, which can be seen above, and a new poster . Check the image below:

  • Crunchyroll reveals Blade Runner’s first scene and unreleased poster: Black Lotus
  • Check out the first trailer for Blade Runner: Black Lotus

Co-production of Crunchyroll and Adult Swim, Blade Runner: Black Lotus accompanies a young woman who wakes up with no memories and part on a journey to discover who you are. The anime will have 13 episodes directed by Shinji Aramaki and Kenji Kamiyama (Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2045) and creative production of Shinichiro Watanabe ( Cowboy Bebop).

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