Ankara University Rector Announced: NFT Course Will Be Given For The First Time In Turkey

Ankara University Rector announced that the “Introduction to NFT” course was added to the elective course pool with his social media post.

NFTs can be described as the most extreme point that virtual assets can reach (for now) in the digital world we live in. NFTs, which can be translated into Turkish as ‘inexchangeable money’ , have appeared in every field from works of art to games, especially in recent months. Any kind of data in the digital environment can be NFT. This universe of data, beyond virtual entities and identities, almost writes the story of the future. This is exactly why it is so important. A group of academics will have aimed to complete the lack of knowledge in this field so that “Introduction to NFT” course has been added to the pool of elective courses at Ankara University. Ankara University added “Introduction to NFT” to its elective course pool

NFT Ankara University Rector Prof. Necdet Ünüvar, with his Twitter post, announced that the “Introduction to NFT” course has been added to the elective courses pool. Rector Ünüvar, news “With today’s senate decision, the “Introduction to NFT” course of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Basic Art Education has been added to the general social elective courses pool of our university. Congratulations to our university and our students” In this way, Ankara University became the first university to give lectures on NFT. The course added to the elective course pool of the University’s Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Basic Art Education, for the first time in the next academic year; It will be given in 2022 spring semester with a branch with a quota of 70 . If you want to know more about these digital reflections, which will be mentioned frequently in the future, you can ask “What is NFT, What Is It Good For?” You can browse our content titled .

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