Anna Kendrick and Bill Hader Are Reportedly Dating

We can barely keep up with the Hollywood dating scene these days, but we’ve done our best to put all the new best celebrity couples in one place, because Instagram just doesn’t tell the whole story! Just when you thought nothing could top the return of Bennifer in 2021…2022 happened. And by all accounts, keeps happening. 

Do you have a favorite? Or is your ideal ’ship still in the talking stage? Things move fast in the industry, so you really never know who might pair up next. And deny it. And then confirm it on Instagram. And then show up together on the red carpet. Of course. Keep checking back, and we will keep adding. 

So far, here are the best celebrity couples who got together in 2022.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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