Anniversary Kawasaki Z900 and Z650 for the 50 years “Z”

First entry: Saturday, January 8, 2022, 5:03 pm

Επετειακά Kawasaki Z900 και Z650 για το 50 χρόνια

Edited by: Giannis Petrochilos

The 2022 is the year that a legendary series of motorcycles Kawasaki celebrates the 50 years of life . The special edition is inspired by the Z1100GP and GPZ900R. This is the virtual Z which was introduced back in 1972 in the form of the Z1 Super Four and since then has given us unique models such as the Z1300, Z1100, Z1000 and Z800.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the model the Kawasaki presented for 2022 special editions on the Z900 and Z650 which are in its range. Both models have special paint in order to get as close as possible to the Z1100GP version of the 1980s which it came out at that time in red and brown. Many golden details are found in both models with the logo dominating the tank and the 50 years mark on the front wing.

Ο συγκεκριμένος χρωματισμός έχει την κωδική ονομασία Firecracker Red.

Historical model which has leave its mark on the world of motorcycles

The frame is painted black, the wheels are red with silver touches, while the saddle is leather. In addition to the Z900 and Z650, Kawasaki will also give a boost to the Z900RS and Z650RS offering them in 2022 in the 50 year Z version. These special editions will be available in the Spring of 2022 .

We remind you that in its range Kawasaki there are also Z125 and Z H2. Maybe in the coming weeks we will have other announcements from the Japanese firm for special editions “Z50” in the Z125 and Z H2 to honor the full range of Z models in 2022.

Video with the history of Kawasaki Z models .

Το ιδιαίτερο λογότυπο στο εμπρός φτερό του Z.


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Last Updated: Saturday, 8 January 2022, 17:03

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