Another 5,735 people were infected with the coronavirus in Lithuania; 17 dead

A further 5,735 people were diagnosed with coronavirus infection in Lithuania last day and 17 deaths were caused by Covid-19, the Statistics Department said on Sunday.

15,653 analyzes were performed last day and the proportion of positive tests was 36.9%. A total of 7 362 484 tests were performed in Lithuania.

A total of 7758 people died with Covid-19 in Lithuania.

There are currently 1055 Covid-19 patients in hospital, 98 of whom are in intensive care

According to the Department of Statistics, the 14-day cumulative number of infections per 100,000 population in Lithuania has increased to 2360.2

A total of 1,938,770 people have been vaccinated against Covid-19 in Lithuania, including 1,854,841 people who have completed a primary vaccination course. 853 612 people were vaccinated

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