Another party has joined “Continuing Change” for the upcoming vote

from BNT

11:36, 30.09.2021

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Photo: BGNES

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“Political movement Social Democrats” joins coalition “We continue to change” for joint participation in the parliamentary elections.

Accession talks are underway of other parties that would recognize the main political goals and priorities of “We continue to change” and are ready to abide by the principles set out in the agreement.

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# 2-in-1 elections # “We continue to change”


From: Elections2021

ЦИК обсъжда нова обществена поръчка, обмисля се закупуването на повече от 1600 машини

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Светлин Тачев,

Svetlin Tachev, “Gallup”: The Bulgarian citizen is looking for a “new messiah” – Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Borisov, Trifonov

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Top 24

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Has a copy of the Panagyurishte Golden Treasure been detained in Dubai?

From our envoys: 11th day blockade of the border between Serbia and …

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44-годишен мъж е застрелян в квартал

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Светлин Тачев,

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) Съдебен психиатър: Кристиан Николов е психично здрав, но е бил подвластен на субстанции при катастрофата

NSI: Those who counted online will not be fined if they do not submit …

44-годишен мъж е застрелян в квартал

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A student from Sofia became a runner-up at an international competition in …

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Borisov answered Minekov: If they want to come with Rashkov and …

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