Anti-Doping violation of Mhlengi Gwala

World Triathlon can report that a urine sample collected from Mhlengi Gwalaa Para triathlete from South Africa, has returned an Adverse Analytical Finding for the prohibited substance GW1516. The sample was collected at in-competition testing on 18 September 2022, at the Europe Triathlon Para Cup Bari.

When notified of the findings, the athlete stated that the positive result was due to contamination of a supplement he had been taking, and as such an investigation was put in place to determine that possibility.

The findings established the source and evidence led the investigation to agree with the athlete’s statement that the positive result was likely due to contaminated supplements. Therefore, an 11-month period of ineligibility to race is the sanction imposed by World Triathlon, back-dated to 24 October 2022.

All race results since the positive test are therefore to be reverted to DSQ, meaning the medals and podiums of the men’s PTS4 2022 Europe Triathlon Para Cup Bari and the 2022 Africa Triathlon Championships Agadir – races he won – will be redistributed.

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