Friday’s protesters gathered again yesterday. A complaint was sent to the competent authorities for arranging tenders for the purchase of tractors.
The protest also drew attention to the “inappropriate” act of the Minister of the Environment Andrej Vizjak, who dismissed the service for the system Environment and Spatial Planning, which acted as the legal service of the Ministry.
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Even before the protest, the protest people’s assembly wrote in a press release that the government Janez Janša with his many supporters and members acts as a mafia. “The tentacles of their octopuses extend to all areas and in the last days before the elections they are trying to sell out and distribute as much public money as possible through corrupt deals. funds and state property, “ (Friday’s protesters believe.)
As the latest presentation of this, they cited Thursday’s hearing of Rok Snežič in the National Assembly, which in their opinion is only the most obvious example of complete contempt expressed by members of the government clique for the rule of law, legality and official procedures. They also cited the example of the Ministry of Defense, where they allegedly ignored the conditions in their own tenders, transferred employees and purposefully adjusted public procurement tenders.
The protesters also pointed out that it is not just a subjective feeling of corruption. “This week, the international organization Transparency International also found that corruption in Slovenia has grown under the government of Janez Janša,” they wrote.
The Protesting People’s Assembly has announced that they will not just observe peacefully, “how the political and economic mafia is destroying Slovenia”, but will use all the levers of the rule of law to stop and investigate corruption and to hold all participants accountable in court.
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