Antony available for Man Utd selection as police continue enquiries

Antony was given a leave of absence on September 10, but returned to England earlier this week and attended a voluntary interview with Greater Manchester Police on Thursday, having always strongly denied the accusations

Friday 29 September 2023 17:47, UK

Antony has returned to Manchester United training and is available for selection as he continues to cooperate with ongoing police enquiries into domestic abuse allegations.

The Brazil international was given a leave of absence on September 10, but returned to England earlier this week and attended a voluntary interview with Greater Manchester Police on Thursday, having always strongly denied the accusations.

Man Utd manager Erik ten Hag says Antony will return to training this weekend, which appears to rule him out of Saturday’s league match against Crystal Palace.

“On Saturday he will be back in training,” said Ten Hag in a Friday news conference. “I have to see how his fitness levels are but I expect them to be OK.”

Asked if he had concerns Antony’s presence would cause problems for his team, Ten Hag added: “I don’t think it will be a distraction.”


Man Utd’s statement issued on Friday read: “Since allegations were first made in June, Antony has cooperated with police inquiries in both Brazil and the UK, and he continues to do so.

“As Antony’s employer, Manchester United has decided that he will resume training at Carrington, and be available for selection, while police inquiries proceed. This will be kept under review pending further developments in the case.

“As a club we condemn acts of violence and abuse. We recognise the importance of safeguarding all those involved in this situation, and acknowledge the impact these allegations have on survivors of abuse.”

Antony is facing several accusations of physical aggression towards his former girlfriend Gabriela Cavallin, who spoke to Brazilian outlet UOL in September.

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The winger has denied those allegations, as well as further assault claims made by Rayssa de Freitas and Ingrid Lana.

He has not been arrested or charged in either Brazil or by GMP and he left the voluntary interview, where he presented evidence to support his strenuous denials, without any restrictions.

United will continue to monitor the situation while police enquiries are ongoing.

Women’s Aid took to social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, to respond to Manchester United’s update about Antony’s return.

“We know the news that the Man Utd player Antony is returning to training & selection while police inquiries continue will have an impact on survivors,” a post from the charity read.

“We urge the national football organisations to work with us to provide much needed guidance for all clubs on domestic abuse cases.

“An informed and consistent approach is vital, and we will be writing to the national organisations to raise this.”

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