Apple AirPods Pro 2 to be delayed until Q3 of 2022

If you’ve been holding out for the upcoming Apple AirPods Pro 2, you may have to wait till Q3 of 2022 in order to buy it. 

LeaksApplePro – who’s been notorious for disclosing secret Apple-centric updates – says that the fruit company’s latest earbuds are expected to cost $249 (about RM1,041), and will offer better battery life, improved noise cancellation, and even ambient light sensors. 

AirPods Pro gen 2
-Better battery life
-A bit better of noise cancelling.
-Ambient light sensors.
Overall, a not so great update, more of like the AirPods gen 2 over AirPods gen 1.
Expect them to release in Q4 2021 or Q1 2022.

— LeaksApplePro (@LeaksApplePro) October 19, 2020

With its arrival delayed till next year, we can’t help but feel like there will be more improvements under the hood that the leakster isn’t telling us – we could perhaps see the through-body feature implemented in the earbuds like we reported before.

At the meantime, if you think Q3 of 2022 is too long of a wait, you can check out  our review of the first-generation AirPods Pro and see if it floats your boat. 

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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