Apple begins testing foldable iPhones But still worried about this technology.

after various brands of smart phones Starting to launch and selling folding screen smartphones, Apple’s side seems to be in the process of testing various folding iPhone models, however, we may not see it anytime soon. Of course, because Apple is still concerned about folding screen technology and market.

Dylandkt’s Twitter states that Apple is developing possibilities in this device in the future. But the use of folding screen technology is not advanced enough to be used at the moment. Apple is still concerned about the future use of foldable smartphones that will be very popular or will be abandoned. Coming soon

2 /3 There are also concerns as to whether foldable smartphones will continue to have a place in the market or will fall into obsolescence. Therefore, Apple is intent on carefully observing the market and improving upon the mistakes of their competitors. — Dylan (@dylandkt) January 6, 2022

and before the launch of the folding iPhone model, Apple wants to ensure that the folding design Will not be inferior to the quality in the current iPhone, which Dylandkt commented that Apple is still waiting to see the situation of popularity This includes two separate screens and connected via hinges. with 1 more single screen for general use similar to what Samsung has already launched and the other model will be a flip cover similar to the Galaxy Z Flip Series

Source : macrumors, Twitter

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