Apple Watch Series 10 gets reviewed: Watch Ultra lite anyone?

Reviewers Liked

  • Thinner case and bigger screen than the Series 9
  • Wide-angle OLED is neat
  • Jet Black looks phenomenal
  • Much faster charging
  • Depth app, water temperature sensor
  • 1Hz refresh rate=ticking second hand!
  • Voice isolation on calls is excellent
  • Supports audio playback
  • New sleep apnea tracking feature is FDA-cleared and potentially life-changing for a lot of people

Reviewers Didn’t Like

  • Blood oxygen sensor is currently inactive
  • No improvements on the battery life front

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Expert reviews and ratings


Apple Watch Series 10 offers faster charging, a thinner chassis, and better viewing angles, but I wish there were bigger upgrades.

By Mashable


The latest Apple Watch Series 10 gets a significant overhaul and, yes, it is the best yet but Apple badly needs to improve the battery life.

By ExpertReviews


The Apple Watch Series 10 remains the best iPhone-friendly smartwatch with a more elegant, comfortable design than its predecessor, along with a new underwater depth gauge and music playback capabilities.

By PCMag


If it wasn’t quite as dazzling a change as I was expecting the 10th Apple Watch to be, it’s hard for me to say that it’s a bad update. The Apple Watch still has the best-looking display, the most seamless integration with the iPhone, the best accessories, and the best OS. I even caught my spouse, who is the least fashion-conscious person on the planet, looking longingly at the new all-black Watch Ultra 2. It’s still the best smartwatch and fitness tracker for the iPhone, and it still looks good doing what it does.

By Wired


The Series 10 is not revolutionary like the Series 3 and 4 or a major shake-up within the category like the Ultra 2. It doesn’t have a marquee feature like blood oxygen or double tap. But I’ve said time and time again that wearability is actually the most important thing for a smartwatch to get right. By that measure, the Series 10 is the most wearable, readable Apple Watch in years.

By The Verge


The Series 10 isn’t the big, flashy new redesign many were hoping for to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Apple Watch being revealed. But I don’t think that matters. This is a significant update if you’re coming from an older watch like the Series 4, 5 or 6, especially because you’ll get access to more years of WatchOS updates. You also get a much bigger and brighter screen, plus potentially life-saving health features like crash detection that you won’t get on the older watches.

By cnet

If you’re simply looking for a new Apple Watch or don’t care for SpO2 readings, and are coming from a model that’s at least two years old, the Series 10 will feel like a solid upgrade. And it’s still the best for any iPhone owner.

By Engadget

The truth, however, is that the Series 10 isn’t the major refresh some were anticipating. Again, it’s a refinement. The addition of sleep apnea detection and Translate are great. It’s also nice to have a thinner watch with a larger screen and faster charging times. If you’ve got the Series 7 or 8 on your wrist at the moment, you don’t need to rush out and plunk down the $399+.

By TechCrunch

Many of the Apple Watch Series 10 features are really WatchOS 11 new features – and there are some good ones in there. The training load is off to a good start, and the offline maps and routing is equally off to a good start. I’d like to see both of those mature a bit more next year in WatchOS 12, but for now, they’ll likely meet the mainstream needs. But I think both native solutions also concurrently fall a bit short of the needs of an endurance sports athlete looking for quick routes from platforms like Strava or Komoot.

By DCRainMaker

However, Series 10 is a great reason to upgrade if you want to move to a model with cellular. You may also switch to a different size display or try a new color or case material. The new shiny black aluminum finish and thinner design would be enough to make me envious.

By 9to5Mac

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