Appointments and nominations

Interview with Sabatino Cacho Palma

“Accept the explosion, the horizontality”, Palma advocates regarding the presentation of the book “End of analysis”.

Cacho Palma, psicoanalista rosarino. (Fuente: Andres Macera)

Cacho Palma, Rosario psychoanalyst .. Image: Andres Macera

Sabatino Cacho Palma, a psychoanalyst from Rosario, founder of the Haeresis Institution (Heresy), is among the authors of the book . Analyst authorization. Pass-Designations-Nominations , edited by Letra Viva. In dialogue with Rosario / 12 explains the origin of the publication that will be presented this Saturday at the Warehouse of the Three Ecologies (Pte. Roca and the Paraná River).

– How did the making of the book come about?

– In the framework of Convergence, Lacanian Movement for Freudian Psychoanalysis, founded in 1998, we set up the working group “Formation, Authorization, Transmission” . A year later, this group held a work session organized by Lazos Institución Psicoanalítica in the city of La Plata. The topic chosen was “End of analysis – Analyst authorization – Pass – Appointments – Nominations”. From there arose the texts that are the material basis of this book, where the 13 author-analysts argue, hold a position and reveal crucial concepts of psychoanalysis.

– Why Pass, Appointments and Nominations?

– It is precisely this question that our book elaborates and also manufactures in the manner of a true work in progress, developing proposals, holding bets, accounting for artifice and singular devices. The book will be presented on October 9, with the authors present who will speak in two panels. We wanted the date to coincide with a founding text for our work, which is J. Lacan’s Proposition of October 9, 1967. The presentation will be at the Warehouse of the Three Ecologies (Pte. Roca and the Paraná River).

– There is a text of his in the book.

In my case, my first text was called “About changes, sayings and regrets ”, and there I propose the concept of practicable (for each analysis and for each institutional device), I also speak of my experience of passing to differentiate the end of analysis of the passage from analysand to analyst and I strongly question everything that is presented from orthodoxy. Then for my rework addendum, my title was “Above (beyond) utility concerns.” Title that arises from the reading of an insurmountable text by Bataille: Happiness, eroticism and literature, to situate poetry and literature (also other forms of art, which invite to inhabit a poetic world where other eloquences reign, not necessarily verbal and alphabetical) as a way of operating in the real of each cure.

– How would you define the Haeresis institution that you founded some years ago?

Actually not so many years ago, in the framework After a very intense work on the Sinthoma Seminar, we got together and grouped together a series of analysts in training and one night in August 2019 in El Trocadero, where the Seminar was held, in an artisanal and well watered dinner (as appropriate). we rediscover that term: Haeresis (Heresy), so precise and precious, in which Lacan stops at his first cl He took part in Seminar 23 to assume ourselves as haeretics in a good way, which implied us from there in taking a position to reinvent a new institution of psychoanalysis that accepted the outbreak, horizontality and cooperative self-management, and committed us to a work emphasized on logical rigor and critical reading.

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