April PlayStation Plus games leak the same day as Sony announces its new combined subscriptions

Image via Purple Lamp Studios

PlayStation Plus games have been regularly leaking the past few months, with French site Dealabs getting the lineup right last October, last December, and again this year. Well surprise, surprise, the lineup has leaked once again.

Dealabs has outlined the trio of games we’ll be getting in the April 2022 PS Plus lineup. This time, the reported games are the PvP-focused Hood: Outlaws & Legends (PS5/PS4), card-based roguelike Slay the Spire (PS4), and remastered platformer SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated (PS4). Remember that the PS4 titles are also backwards compatible with PS5 — and remember that these games have yet to be officially announced. Confirmed or not, the new lineup will be available from Tuesday, April 4 through Monday, May 2, whatever the games turn out to be.

Speaking of PlayStation Plus, the long-rumored Project Spartacus has officially been announced. Sony is combining PS Plus and PS Now into one service. The Essential tier includes all the current PlayStation Plus bonuses, the Extra tier adds the PS Now catalogue, and the Premium tier adds backwards-compatible games from the PS1, PS2, and PS3. It also includes game trials for new titles — ostensibly first-party ones from PlayStation Studios.

Notably, full day-one access to new games — a key feature of chief competitor Xbox Game Pass — is absent from any of the tiers. PlayStation boss Jim Ryan believes games would suffer if made available on launch day, hence the difference.

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